Chemical control agents of Erwinia amylovora (Burill) in in vitro conditions
Diana Alexandrova1 • Petar Chavdarov2
1Institute of Fruit Growing – Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2Institute of Plant Genetic Resources – Sadovo, Bulgaria
Erwinia amylovora is a polyphagous bacterium causing fire blight on over 130
plant species belonging to the Rosaceae family. Although E. amylovora is regarded
as a very homogenous species, the particular strains can differ in pathogenic ability
as far as their host range is concerned as well as by the extent of the disease they
cause. Experience shows that the best control results when the grower follows
an integrated program of chemical control combined with sanitation, pruning,
eradication, tree nutrition, and insect control.
In this research the bactericidal effect of five chemical preparations in “in- vitro”
conditions was studied. Petri dishes with water added were used as control. The best results were obtained with Bordo Mix and Funguran with 13,65% and 10,53
% respectively inhibition of bacterial growth. The lowest percentage of inhibition
of E. amylovora was recorded when Alfil Duplo was used.
In general, the copper compounds appear to give good blight control when the
disease severity is low to moderate in orchards.